Dispute over admission of S'fardim to school
Harry (and his guest poster) disagree.
In either case, it's a lose-lose situation. How sad.
A tallit-and-tefillin-wearing woman in a traditional Conservative synagogue?! An unorthodox—and non-orthodox—perspective on Jews and Judaism from a perpetual misfit. This blog, welcoming the entire Jewish community, is dedicated to those who take Judaism seriously, but not necessarily literally.
posted by Shira Salamone at 12:48 PM
Once upon a time, I belonged to a left-wing egalitarian Conservative synagogue, where I was one of a number of women who wore a tallit—and one of the few members who used an Orthodox prayer book (adding the Mothers, of course). Having moved since then, I now belong to a right-wing traditional Conservative synagogue, where I’m almost always the only woman wearing a tallit—and one of the few members who adds the Mothers. I seem destined to be forever . . . on the fringe.
It seems to me that two separate issues are being conflated:
1) Verbal and social racism, which is a terrible ill we have to figure out how to address
2) The right of a 'public' school to set strict standards on how their students and their families behave, in and out of the house.
I'll throw in a third point of view.
My main point (which somehow, keeps getting lost by commenters assuming I'm in favor of the Chareidi position) is that I think its wrong to imprison the parents over this (this includes Sephardi parents as well).
Close the school, dry up their funding, bring in the military to enforce integration.
But jailing the parents?
We've all lost today.
Jameel, I agree that jailing the parents is not the best way to handle the situation.
Larry, I think you're right about two issues being involved, and thanks for the link.
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